Write me a Python code for binary options at currency rates through the Pocket Option Broker
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Write me a Python code for binary options at currency rates through the Pocket Option Broker platform

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As an AI language model, I cannot provide coding that requires interaction with external platforms. However, I can explain what binary options are and provide some information on how to trade binary options. Binary options are a type of financial option where the payout is either a fixed amount or nothing at all. Traders predict whether the price of a chosen asset, such as a currency pair, stock, or commodity, will rise or fall within a set period of time. To trade binary options, traders need to choose an asset, determine their investment amount, and set the expiry time for the option. Then, they need to predict whether the asset price will be above or below a certain price level at the expiry time. If the trader's prediction is correct, they can get a fixed payout, usually between 60% to 90% of the investment amount. If the prediction is wrong, the trader loses the investment amount. To trade binary options on Pocket Option Broker platform using Python, you need to use their API. Here are the basic steps to follow: 1. Sign up for an account on Pocket Option and create an API token 2. Install the `pip` package `pocketoption` for Python 3. Fetch the available assets using `get_assets()` function 4. Choose an asset and set an investment amount 5. Determine the expiry time in minutes using the `expiry_time` variable 6. Use the `call()` function to predict a price increase or `put()` function to predict a price decrease 7. Wait for the expiry time to end 8. Use the `get_result()` function to check if your prediction was correct 9. Calculate the payout using the `payout` variable Here's an example Python code for binary options at currency rates through the Pocket Option Broker platform:
import pocketoption as po

api = po.API("<your_api_token>")

# Fetch available assets
asset_list = api.get_assets()

# Choose EUR/USD
asset_name = "EUR/USD"
asset = next((x for x in asset_list if x["currency"] == asset_name), None)

if asset is None:
    print(f"No asset named {asset_name}")

# Set investment amount
amount = 10  # USD

# Set expiry time to 5 minutes
expiry_time = 5  # minutes

# Predict price increase
call_result = api.call(asset["id"], amount, expiry_time)

# Wait for expiry time to end
time.sleep(expiry_time * 60)

# Check if prediction was correct
result = api.get_result(call_result)

payout = 0
if result["code"] == "success":
    if result["win"]:
        print("You won!")
        # Calculate payout
        payout = amount * (1 + asset["profit_percent"] / 100)
        print("You lost!")

print(f"Payout: {payout:.2f}")
Note that this code sample is just a basic example and does not include error handling, authentication, or other advanced features. Always follow the best practices for API usage, such as limiting the number of requests and handling errors in code.

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