VERBALS. PREDICATIVE CONSTRUCTIONS.. Translate the sentences into English using a necessary predicative construction. 6. Кажется, он
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VERBALS. PREDICATIVE CONSTRUCTIONS.. Translate the sentences into English using a necessary predicative construction. 6. Кажется, он забыл о своем обещании. 7. Говорят, что они работают в Китае с 2005 года. 8. Я слышала, что они спорили в соседней комнате, но когда я вошла туда, они замолчали.

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текстовая нейросеть отвечает:
6. It seems that he has forgotten his promise. In this sentence, the predicative construction is "it seems". The subject "it" is a formal subject of the sentence, which refers to the feeling or impression expressed in the main clause. The predicate complement "seems" is a linking verb that connects the subject to the predicative phrase "that he has forgotten his promise". The clause "that he has forgotten his promise" acts as the predicative complement, providing additional information about the feeling or impression expressed in the main clause. 7. They are said to have been working in China since 2005. In this sentence, the predicative construction is "are said". The subject "they" is the doer of the action expressed in the passive form of the predicate verb "to say". The predicate complement "are said" functions as a reporting verb that introduces hearsay or reported speech. The infinitive phrase "to have been working in China since 2005" serves as the predicative complement, providing information about what was said to be the case about the subject. 8. I heard that they were arguing in the next room, but when I entered, they fell silent. In this sentence, the predicative construction is "I heard". The subject "I" is the doer of the action expressed in the predicate verb "to hear". The predicate complement "heard" functions as a reporting verb that introduces direct perception. The subordinate clause "that they were arguing in the next room" is the object of the reporting verb, providing the content of what was heard. The predicative complement "but when I entered, they fell silent" follows the main clause to provide additional information about the situation that was perceived.

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