VERBALS. PREDICATIVE CONSTRUCTIONS I. Underline the predicative construction. Define the construction and its function in the sentence (30 points –
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VERBALS. PREDICATIVE CONSTRUCTIONS I. Underline the predicative construction. Define the construction and its function in the sentence (30 points – 3 points for each correct answer) 1. Through the window Florence was seen packing a suitcase. 2. He could feel his heart beating fast. 3. You must have your watch repaired. 4. They were waiting for him to say something.

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текстовая нейросеть отвечает:
1. Through the window Florence was seen packing a suitcase. The predicative construction in this sentence is "seen packing a suitcase". It is a passive of the complex object "Florence packing a suitcase". The verb "seen" is in the passive voice, and "packing a suitcase" is the object complement. The function of this construction is to describe an action being performed by Florence from an outside perspective. It emphasizes the passive nature of the verb "seen" and focuses on the action rather than the doer. Example: The students were seen studying hard for their exams. 2. He could feel his heart beating fast. The predicative construction in this sentence is "beating fast". It is a gerund phrase acting as an object complement to the verb "feel". The function of this construction is to describe the manner in which the action is being performed, that is the heart beating fast. Example: She heard the birds singing beautifully in the morning. 3. You must have your watch repaired. The predicative construction in this sentence is "repaired". It is a participle acting as an object complement to the verb "have". The function of this construction is to describe the desired outcome of the action, that is to have the watch in a state of repair. Example: She had her car fixed by a mechanic last week. 4. They were waiting for him to say something. The predicative construction in this sentence is "to say something". It is an infinitive acting as an object complement to the verb "waiting". The function of this construction is to indicate the anticipated action that is expected from the subject "him". Example: The children waited eagerly for their mother to come home.

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