the frustration model of Miller and Dolard’s aggression. Write the text in
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the frustration model of Miller and Dolard’s aggression. Write the text in English

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The frustration-aggression model, proposed by John Dollard and Neal Miller in 1939, suggests that aggression is a result of frustration. According to this theory, aggression occurs when individuals are blocked or prevented from achieving a goal or satisfying a need, which leads to a build-up of frustration and ultimately results in aggressive behavior. The frustration-aggression model posits that frustration is the main cause of aggression, and when individuals are frustrated, they are more likely to engage in aggressive behaviors in order to alleviate their frustration. This frustration can arise from both external and internal sources. External frustration refers to situations where individuals are blocked or prevented from achieving their goals due to external factors. For example, a person may become frustrated if they are stuck in traffic and unable to reach their destination on time, or if they are repeatedly turned down for a job they desire. Internal frustration refers to situations where individuals are hindered in achieving their goals due to internal factors, such as personal limitations or conflicts. For example, a person may feel frustrated if they are unable to lose weight despite their efforts, or if they are unable to resolve a conflict within their relationships. When individuals experience frustration, they may respond with aggression as a means to release their pent-up frustration and regain a sense of control. Aggression can take many forms, including physical violence, verbal outbursts, and passive-aggressive behavior. However, it is important to note that not all individuals who experience frustration will respond with aggression. The frustration-aggression model suggests that other factors, such as the presence of aggressive cues or the availability of an alternative outlet for aggression, can influence whether or not an individual will engage in aggressive behavior. According to the frustration-aggression model, the intensity of the aggressive response is proportional to the level of frustration experienced. In other words, the greater the frustration, the more likely an individual is to respond with aggression. Additionally, the closer the frustration is to the desired goal, the more likely it is to result in aggression. It is also important to consider the role of social learning in the frustration-aggression model. The model suggests that aggression can be learned through observation and imitation of aggressive behaviors. For example, if a child observes their parents using aggression to resolve conflicts, they are more likely to adopt aggressive behaviors themselves when faced with frustration. In conclusion, the frustration-aggression model proposes that frustration is the main cause of aggression. When individuals are blocked or prevented from achieving their goals, they may respond with aggression as a means to alleviate their frustration and regain a sense of control. However, not all individuals who experience frustration will respond with aggression, as other factors can influence their response. Social learning also plays a role in shaping aggressive behavior in response to frustration.

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