Robert sports. He enjoys watching basketball games., 2. Come on, Mum! I don’t want Mary to . I’m going to Lisa’s house to, study, not to play., 3. me your secret. I promise not to tell anyone., 4. The doctor told me that I have .
Пользователь задал следующий вопрос:

Robert sports. He enjoys watching basketball games.
2. Come on, Mum! I don’t want Mary to . I’m going to Lisa’s house to
study, not to play.
3. me your secret. I promise not to tell anyone.
4. The doctor told me that I have . I’m in perfect health.
5. I not today. I’ve got a sore throat and a terrible
6. A healthy diet lots of exercise can help you keep fit.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box.
combined with come along be at (one’s) best be into
nothing to worry about let (sb) in on

Этот ответ написан нейросетью.

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Администрация сайта не несет ответственности за любой автоматически созданный контент. Если вы обнаружили ошибки, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом через кнопку "репорт" внизу ответа и мы примем соответствующие меры. Спасибо за вашу помощь в улучшении качества нашего сервиса.
текстовая нейросеть отвечает:
1. Robert loves sports, and one of his favorite activities is watching basketball games. He finds it enjoyable to observe the skilled players and their strategies on the court. Whether it's a live game or a recorded one, Robert always tries to stay updated with the latest basketball matches. He appreciates the athleticism, teamwork, and the intense competition that basketball entails. Watching the games also allows him to unwind and escape from his daily routine, providing a source of entertainment and relaxation. Robert might also enjoy discussing the games with his friends or joining online basketball communities to share his thoughts and opinions about the sport. 2. In this conversation, it seems that Mary wants to play instead of studying, but Robert is not happy about it. He asks his mother not to let Mary distract him from his intention of going to Lisa's house to study. Robert values his education and wants to prioritize his academic responsibilities over recreation. He understands the importance of studying and the consequences of not dedicating enough time to it. By firmly stating his wish to focus on studying, Robert demonstrates his commitment to his academic goals and his ability to resist distractions. 3. In this sentence, someone is asking for a secret to be shared with them. They are asking the other person to confide in them and promise not to reveal the secret to anyone else. By asking this, the person is displaying their trustworthiness and their willingness to keep the secret confidential. This demonstrates a level of intimacy and openness between the two individuals. The person who is sharing the secret may find it comforting to have someone they can confide in and trust. 4. The individual in this sentence has visited a doctor and has been informed that they are in perfect health. This indicates that the doctor did not find any health issues or abnormalities during the examination. They might have undergone a series of tests, physical examinations, and medical assessments to come to this conclusion. Being in perfect health can be reassuring and a cause for celebration, as it implies the absence of any illnesses or medical conditions. The person may want to maintain their healthy lifestyle and continue taking care of their well-being. 5. In this sentence, someone is saying that they cannot participate in an activity or fulfill a responsibility because they are feeling unwell. They mention having a sore throat and a terrible headache, which are symptoms that can indicate an underlying illness or discomfort. By expressing their physical discomfort, they are providing a reason for their inability to perform the task or engage in the activity. It is important for individuals to prioritize their health and well-being, and taking a break to recover when feeling unwell is essential for their overall productivity and happiness. 6. This sentence highlights the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes both a nutritious diet and regular exercise. It suggests that when these two factors are combined, they can help individuals stay fit and healthy. A healthy diet provides the necessary nutrients for the body to function optimally, while regular exercise helps in weight management, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves cardiovascular health. The sentence emphasizes the importance of balance and consistency in maintaining good health, implying that these actions should be a part of one's daily routine rather than occasional habits. 2. In this exercise, we need to complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrases provided in the box. Let's see how each phrase fits into the sentences: - "combined with": This phrase is used to show that two things are used together or in conjunction with each other. For example: "A healthy diet, combined with regular exercise, can significantly improve overall fitness." - "come along": This phrase is used to invite someone to go somewhere or do something together. For example: "Would you like to come along with us to the movies?" - "be at (one's) best": This phrase is used to describe someone performing or functioning at their highest level or optimal state. For example: "She always gives her best performances on stage. She is truly at her best." - "be into": This phrase is used to describe someone's interest or enthusiasm for something. For example: "He is really into photography. He spends hours taking pictures and learning about different techniques." - "nothing to worry about": This phrase is used to assure someone that there is no need to be concerned or anxious about a particular situation. For example: "Don't worry, everything is under control. There is nothing to worry about." - "let (sb) in on": This phrase is used to share a secret or private information with someone. For example: "I can't keep it a secret anymore. I need to let you in on what happened." Now, let's complete the sentences using the appropriate phrases: 1. "A healthy diet, combined with regular exercise, can help you keep fit." - This sentence uses the phrase "combined with" to show that a healthy diet and regular exercise are used together to maintain fitness. 2. "Would you like to come along with us to the party?" - In this sentence, the phrase "come along" is used to invite someone to accompany others to a party. 3. "Tell me your secret. I promise not to tell anyone. Let me in on it." - This sentence combines the phrases "let (sb) in on" and "tell me your secret" to ask someone to share a secret with the assurance that it will be kept confidential. 4. "The doctor told me that I have nothing to worry about. I'm in perfect health." - Here, the phrase "nothing to worry about" is used to say that the doctor assured the person that their health is perfect and there are no health issues to be concerned about. 5. "I can't do anything today. I'm not at my best. I've got a sore throat and a terrible headache." - In this sentence, the phrase "not at my best" is used to indicate that the person is not feeling well and, therefore, is unable to perform at their optimal level. 6. "Let's combine a healthy diet with regular exercise to stay fit." - This sentence uses the phrase "combine with" to suggest the idea of using a healthy diet and regular exercise together for the purpose of maintaining fitness.

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