. Look up in a dictionary meanings of the given pairs of synonyms. Classify synonyms into stylistic, ideographic and ideographic-stylistic., 1. Information – data; associate – pal; infectious – contagious; to ask – to
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. Look up in a dictionary meanings of the given pairs of synonyms. Classify synonyms into stylistic, ideographic and ideographic-stylistic.
1. Information – data; associate – pal; infectious – contagious; to ask – to interrogate; to meet – to encounter; to reckon – to estimate; ; faculty – talent; to foretell – to predict; to walk – to promenade; blemish – flaw; heaven – sky; intelligent – smart; affair – business.

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Information - data: Both words refer to knowledge or facts about something. However, "information" is a more general term and can be used in a variety of contexts, while "data" specifically refers to raw or organized facts or statistics. Stylistic classification: These words are mostly used in everyday, neutral language. Associate - pal: Both words refer to a person who is a friend or companion. However, "associate" has a more formal or professional connotation, while "pal" is a more informal or colloquial term. Stylistic classification: "Associate" can be used in both formal and informal contexts, whereas "pal" is more informal or colloquial. Infectious - contagious: Both words refer to diseases that can be transmitted from one person or organism to another. However, "infectious" is a broader term that can also describe the spread of non-disease-related things like emotions or ideas. "Contagious" specifically refers to the transmission of diseases. Ideographic classification: These words have a specific meaning related to the spread of diseases. To ask - to interrogate: Both words refer to the act of requesting information or seeking answers. However, "interrogate" has a more intense or official connotation, often associated with legal or formal contexts. "Ask" is a more general and everyday term. Stylistic classification: "Ask" is a more neutral and commonly used term, while "interrogate" is more formal or specialized. To meet - to encounter: Both words refer to coming into contact with someone or something. However, "meet" is a more general term that can describe any type of meeting, while "encounter" suggests a chance or unexpected meeting. Ideographic-stylistic classification: These words have a specific meaning related to encountering or meeting someone or something. To reckon - to estimate: Both words refer to making a calculation or estimation. However, "reckon" has a more informal or colloquial connotation, while "estimate" is a more formal and precise term. Stylistic classification: "Reckon" is a more informal or colloquial term, while "estimate" is more formal. Faculty - talent: Both words refer to a natural or acquired ability or skill. However, "faculty" is a more formal term often used in academic or professional contexts, while "talent" is a more general term. Stylistic classification: "Faculty" is a more formal term, while "talent" is more general and can be used in everyday language. To foretell - to predict: Both words refer to making a statement about a future event or outcome. However, "foretell" has a more mystical or prophetic connotation, while "predict" is a more general term. Ideographic-stylistic classification: These words have a specific meaning related to making statements about future events or outcomes. To walk - to promenade: Both words refer to the act of moving on foot. However, "promenade" suggests a more leisurely or scenic walk, often in a public place or for pleasure. Ideographic-stylistic classification: These words have a specific meaning related to walking in a specific manner or for a specific purpose. Blemish - flaw: Both words refer to an imperfection or defect. However, "blemish" is often used to describe a small or superficial imperfection, while "flaw" suggests a more significant or inherent defect. Ideographic-stylistic classification: These words have a specific meaning related to describing imperfections or defects. Heaven - sky: Both words refer to the space above the Earth. However, "heaven" often has religious or spiritual connotations, while "sky" is a more general term. Ideographic-stylistic classification: These words have a specific meaning related to the space above the Earth. Intelligent - smart: Both words refer to having a high level of mental capability or being quick-witted. However, "intelligent" is a more formal and academic term, while "smart" is a more colloquial or informal term. Stylistic classification: "Intelligent" is a more formal term, while "smart" is more colloquial. Affair - business: Both words can refer to a particular matter or activity. However, "affair" often has a more personal or private connotation, while "business" suggests a more formal or commercial matter. Ideographic-stylistic classification: These words have a specific meaning related to describing particular matters or activities.

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Нажимая «Регистрация» или «Войти через Google», вы соглашаетесь с Публичной офертой, даете Согласие на обработку персональных данных, а также подтверждаете что вам есть 18 лет