Ex 1. Fill in the words, incredible access up-to-the-minute, hardware float enhancing, 1 He always has ………….. to the Prime Minister., 2 When you’re tired of swimming just …………. for a while., 3 Computers give them
Пользователь задал следующий вопрос:

Ex 1. Fill in the words
incredible access up-to-the-minute
hardware float enhancing
1 He always has ………….. to the Prime Minister.
2 When you’re tired of swimming just …………. for a while.
3 Computers give them ……………… information on sales and stocks.
4 It was …………… that nobody paid attention to the new invention.
5 Their living expenses are constantly………………… .
6 It is much easier to make changes via software than in………………

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текстовая нейросеть отвечает:
1. He always has incredible access to the Prime Minister. The phrase "incredible access" means that he has a remarkable or extraordinary level of access to the Prime Minister. This suggests that he has special privileges or connections that allow him to communicate or meet with the Prime Minister easily. 2. When you're tired of swimming just float for a while. The phrase "float for a while" means to stay on the water's surface without any effort or movement. It suggests that when you are tired or need a break from swimming, you can simply lay back and relax in the water, allowing your body to float without any physical exertion. 3. Computers give them up-to-the-minute information on sales and stocks. The phrase "up-to-the-minute information" means that the information provided by computers is constantly updated and reflects the most current or recent data. This suggests that computers are able to provide real-time information on sales and stocks, allowing for accurate decision-making and analysis. 4. It was enhancing that nobody paid attention to the new invention. The word "enhancing" in this sentence seems to be used out of context or incorrectly. The word "enhancing" means to improve or make better, but in the given sentence, it doesn't seem to fit logically. It could be a mistake or a typo. A possible correction could be "It was so incredible that nobody paid attention to the new invention." 5. Their living expenses are constantly increasing. The word "constantly" means that the action of increasing their living expenses happens regularly or frequently. It suggests that their living expenses are continuously going up or getting higher with time. This could be due to various factors such as inflation, rising costs of goods and services, or lifestyle choices. 6. It is much easier to make changes via software than in hardware. The phrase "via software" means that changes or modifications are made through computer programs or digital systems. It suggests that using software allows for more flexibility and ease in making changes compared to making physical modifications in hardware. Software changes can be done quickly, remotely, and with less effort, while making changes in hardware might require physical alterations or replacements.

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