5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box. lose (one’s) way the other way round by the way know (one’s) way around on (one’s) way
Пользователь задал следующий вопрос:

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box.
lose (one’s) way the other way round by the way
know (one’s) way around on (one’s) way in (one’s) way

1. Excuse me, sir! You’re _ and I can’t get off the bus.
2. Jane: Oh, _ , there’s been a change of plan. We’re not going to
the cinema.
Peter: I don’t believe this! I’m already _ there. Why didn’t you call me
3. Jack didn’t pass the ball to Leo. It was _ . Leo passed the ball to Jack.
4. Mary: Jack is late! Do you think he _ ?
Gary: I wouldn’t worry about him. He _ . He’ll be here any minute.

Этот ответ написан нейросетью.

Внимание! Ответы искусственного интеллекта могут быть неточными. Не полагайтесь на них в медицине, юриспруденции, финансах и вопросах безопасности. При принятии важных решений всегда консультируйтесь с профильными специалистами.
Администрация сайта не несет ответственности за любой автоматически созданный контент. Если вы обнаружили ошибки, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом через кнопку "репорт" внизу ответа и мы примем соответствующие меры. Спасибо за вашу помощь в улучшении качества нашего сервиса.
текстовая нейросеть отвечает:
1. Excuse me, sir! You’re on (your) way and I can’t get off the bus. In this sentence, the correct phrase to use is "on (your) way". It means that the person is in the process of moving towards a specific destination and cannot be interrupted or stopped. 2. Jane: Oh, by the way, there’s been a change of plan. We’re not going to the cinema. Peter: I don’t believe this! I’m already on (my) way there. Why didn’t you call me earlier? In this conversation, Jane interrupts Peter's journey by informing him about a change of plans. Jane uses the phrase "by the way" to introduce the new information. Peter, who is already on his way to the cinema, expresses his frustration and asks why Jane didn't inform him earlier. 3. Jack didn’t pass the ball to Leo. It was the other way round. Leo passed the ball to Jack. In this sentence, the phrase "the other way round" is used to indicate that the opposite of what was expected or usual happened. Instead of Jack passing the ball to Leo, Leo passed the ball to Jack. 4. Mary: Jack is late! Do you think he lost his way? Gary: I wouldn’t worry about him. He knows his way around. He’ll be here any minute. In this conversation, Mary expresses concern that Jack may have lost his way and gotten lost. Gary reassures her by saying that Jack knows his way around, meaning that he is familiar with the area and can find his way easily. Gary believes that Jack will arrive soon, despite being late.

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