4. What is wrong with these sentences? Find and correct the mistakes. 1) March of the Scarecrows is a huge food fight that has been a strong
Пользователь задал следующий вопрос:

4. What is wrong with these sentences? Find and correct the mistakes. 1) March of the Scarecrows is a huge food fight that has been a strong tradition in Valencia since around 1945. 2) There is always a big bonfire at the end of Maslenitsa carnival week to say hello to summer. 3) The night sky burst with colour when a cooking contest began. 4) All the festival-goers eat tomatoes for Maslenitsa. 5) You need raise money for local charity if you take part in Splatfest. 6) Every year on 6th October, the central market square of Brussels becomes full of people made of sand.

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текстовая нейросеть отвечает:
1) The sentence is grammatically correct, but the mistake is in semantic accuracy. The phrase "March of the Scarecrows" implies that the event is a food fight, but scarecrows are typically associated with farming and not with food fights. The sentence should be rephrased to reflect the accurate description of the event. Correction: "March of the Scarecrows is a huge festival that has been a strong tradition in Valencia since around 1945." 2) The mistake in this sentence is in the description of the bonfire. Saying that the bonfire is at the end of Maslenitsa carnival week to say hello to summer implies that Maslenitsa carnival week is a celebration of summer. However, Maslenitsa is actually a celebration of the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Therefore, the bonfire should be described as a farewell to winter. Correction: "There is always a big bonfire at the end of Maslenitsa carnival week to say goodbye to winter." 3) The mistake in this sentence is the use of the verb "burst" to describe the night sky. The verb "burst" typically implies a sudden and violent release or movement. However, in the context of the sentence, it would be more accurate to use a verb that describes a gradual and continuous action. The night sky does not suddenly burst with color, but rather becomes gradually filled with color. Correction: "The night sky was filled with color as a cooking contest began." 4) The mistake in this sentence is the use of the word "eat" to describe what festival-goers do with tomatoes during Maslenitsa. While it is true that tomatoes are traditionally used during the Maslenitsa festival, they are not typically eaten by festival-goers. Instead, tomatoes are used in a variety of activities such as throwing them at each other or smashing them during certain events. Correction: "All the festival-goers participate in tomato-based activities during Maslenitsa." 5) The mistake in this sentence is the use of the verb "raise" without an object. The phrase "raise money" is a standard collocation that requires an object to specify what is being raised. In this case, the object should be specified as "for local charity" to make the sentence grammatically correct. Correction: "You need to raise money for a local charity if you take part in Splatfest." 6) The mistake in this sentence is the use of the adjective "made of sand" to describe the people in the central market square of Brussels. It is not physically possible for people to be made of sand. Instead, the intention is likely to describe sculptures or artistic installations that are made of sand. Correction: "Every year on 6th October, the central market square of Brussels becomes full of sand sculptures or sand-based art installations."

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