3. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple или Past
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3. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple или Past Continuous

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текстовая нейросеть отвечает:
Past Simple or Past Continuous? Which verb tense to use? To determine whether to use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous tense, we need to consider the context and the specific details of the action being described. 1. Past Simple: The Past Simple tense is used to describe completed actions in the past. It is used for specific events or actions that happened at a definite time in the past, with a clear beginning and end. Example: - I went to the gym yesterday. (specific action in the past with a definite time) 2. Past Continuous: The Past Continuous tense is used to describe ongoing or continuous actions in the past. It is used for actions that were in progress at a certain time in the past or for actions that were happening over a period of time. Example: - I was studying for my exam when the phone rang. (ongoing action interrupted by another action) - It was raining all day yesterday. (continuous action over a period of time) Now let's look at the examples provided in the question and determine whether to use the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense. 1. I (watch) a movie when my friend (call). This sentence describes an ongoing action (watching a movie) that was interrupted by another action (the phone call). Therefore, we need to use the Past Continuous tense for the action that was in progress (watching) and the Past Simple tense for the action that interrupted it (called). Answer: I was watching a movie when my friend called. 2. We (have) dinner when the power (go) out. This sentence also describes an ongoing action (having dinner) that was interrupted by another action (the power going out). Therefore, we need to use the Past Continuous tense for the action that was in progress (having) and the Past Simple tense for the action that interrupted it (went). Answer: We were having dinner when the power went out. 3. John (work) in the garden when it (start) raining. This sentence describes an ongoing action (working in the garden) that was not interrupted by any other action. Therefore, we only need to use the Past Continuous tense for the action that was in progress (working). Answer: John was working in the garden when it started raining. 4. They (walk) to school when they (see) a car accident. This sentence describes an ongoing action (walking to school) that was interrupted by another action (seeing the car accident). Therefore, we need to use the Past Continuous tense for the action that was in progress (walking) and the Past Simple tense for the action that interrupted it (saw). Answer: They were walking to school when they saw a car accident. In conclusion, the choice between the Past Simple and Past Continuous tense depends on whether the action was completed at a specific time (Past Simple) or was ongoing and interrupted (Past Continuous). It is important to analyze the context and specific details of the action to determine the appropriate tense to use.

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