Реши тест:, 1. The pedal is a strong steel … which transmits the force from your foot to the master cylinder., a) wheel b) lever c) disk, 2. The master cylinder consists ofa … and a fluid reservoir., a) crankshafi b) piston c)
Пользователь задал следующий вопрос:

Реши тест:
1. The pedal is a strong steel … which transmits the force from your foot to the master cylinder.
a) wheel b) lever c) disk
2. The master cylinder consists ofa … and a fluid reservoir.
a) crankshafi b) piston c) drum
3. Most cars have dise … on the front wheels.
a) brakes b) pads e) cylinders
4. When dise brakes are not used on the rear, … are used.
a) brake pads b) drum brakes c) brake lines
5. The brake fluid being pushed from the master cylinder through the brake lines pushes a piston in the brake
a) caliper b) rotor c) master cylinder
6. When you step on the brake pedal, you are actually
forcing … through a

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текстовая нейросеть отвечает:
1. The pedal is a strong steel lever which transmits the force from your foot to the master cylinder. A lever is a rigid bar that pivots on a fulcrum or a fixed point to transmit force or motion. In this case, the pedal acts as a lever, allowing the force applied by your foot to be transmitted to the master cylinder, which in turn activates the brakes. 2. The master cylinder consists of a piston and a fluid reservoir. The master cylinder is a component of the braking system that converts the force applied to the brake pedal into hydraulic pressure. It consists of a piston, which is moved by the force applied to the brake pedal, and a fluid reservoir, which stores the brake fluid used to transmit hydraulic pressure to the brakes. 3. Most cars have disc brakes on the front wheels. Disc brakes are a type of braking system that use friction between a rotating disc (or rotor) and brake pads to slow down or stop the vehicle. They are commonly used on the front wheels of cars because they provide better stopping power and heat dissipation compared to drum brakes. 4. When disc brakes are not used on the rear, drum brakes are used. Drum brakes are another type of braking system that use friction between brake shoes and the inside surface of a drum to slow down or stop the vehicle. They are often used on the rear wheels of cars because they are simpler and cheaper to manufacture, and they can still provide adequate braking performance for the rear wheels. 5. The brake fluid being pushed from the master cylinder through the brake lines pushes a piston in the brake caliper. When you apply the brakes, the master cylinder pushes brake fluid through the brake lines, which are connected to the brake calipers. The brake calipers contain pistons that are pushed by the hydraulic pressure of the brake fluid. The movement of these pistons applies pressure to the brake pads, which then press against the brake rotor to slow down or stop the vehicle. 6. When you step on the brake pedal, you are actually forcing fluid through a series of components in the braking system. When you apply force to the brake pedal, it activates the master cylinder, which in turn pushes brake fluid through the brake lines. The brake fluid then moves through various components such as the brake calipers, brake pads, and brake rotors, which all work together to slow down or stop the vehicle. So, when you step on the brake pedal, you are ultimately forcing fluid through this series of components, which converts your foot's force into mechanical action to slow down or stop the vehicle.

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