Ответ: Explain the ideas Emily Dickinson explores in her poem You cannot make Remembrance grow below. You cannot make Remembrance grow When it has lost its Root — The tightening the Soil
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Explain the ideas Emily Dickinson explores in her poem You cannot make Remembrance grow below.

You cannot make Remembrance grow
When it has lost its Root —
The tightening the Soil around
And setting it upright
Deceives perhaps the Universe
But not retrieves the Plant —
Real Memory, like Cedar Feet
Is shod with Adamant —
Nor can you cut Remembrance down
When it shall once have grown —
Its Iron Buds will sprout anew
However overthrown —

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Emily Dickinson's poem "You cannot make Remembrance grow" delves into the themes of memory, permanence, and the power of the past. The speaker of the poem reflects on the nature of remembrance and suggests that once a memory has taken root, it cannot be easily erased or altered. The poem uses the metaphor of a plant to convey the idea that memories, like roots firmly planted in the soil, are resilient and enduring. In the first stanza, the speaker asserts that once a memory has "lost its Root," it cannot be revived or recreated. The image of "tightening the Soil around" the memory and trying to "set it upright" highlights the futile attempt to manipulate or control memories that have already taken root. The speaker implies that trying to force a memory to grow or change is an illusion that may deceive others but ultimately fails to alter the essence of the memory itself. The second stanza emphasizes the strength and permanence of true memory, comparing it to "Cedar Feet" that are "shod with Adamant." This imagery suggests that memories, like sturdy cedar trees, are unyielding and resistant to external influences. The use of "Adamant" further conveys the idea of unyielding firmness and strength, emphasizing the immutability of true memories. Furthermore, the speaker warns that attempting to "cut Remembrance down" is futile because even if the memory is temporarily suppressed or forgotten, it will inevitably resurface and "sprout anew." The metaphor of "Iron Buds" symbolizes the unyielding and enduring nature of memories, suggesting that they have the power to persist and reappear despite attempts to erase or diminish them. Overall, Dickinson explores the idea that memories are deeply rooted in the fabric of our consciousness and are not easily manipulated or erased. Memories, like resilient plants, have the power to withstand the passage of time and retain their essence even when they are seemingly forgotten or buried. The poem highlights the enduring nature of memory and the impossibility of erasing or altering the past, emphasizing the profound impact that memories can have on our lives. Dickinson's contemplation on the complexities of memory invites readers to reflect on the power of the past and the ways in which memories shape our understanding of the world.

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