24. Match the idioms (1-10) with their defînitions (a-j)
1. To do something by the book
To cook the books / accounts
To face the music
To do something under the table
a a skilful thief who breaks into places without disturbing people or setting off alarms
b to accept the consequences of doing
something wrong
c if you do something illegal, you will probably be caught and punished
d to be in prison
To get away with murder
A partner in crime
To be / put behind bars
A cat burglar
To serve time
10. Crime doesn’t pay
e to keep inaccurate accounts for a business, usually to pay less tax f to do something secretly, usually because it’s illegal or unethical
to be in prison
h not to be punished for bad behaviour i to do something strictly according to the rules or the official procedures j a person who helps you to make a secret plan to do something wrong or
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