Укажите предложения, содержащие приложения в качестве правых определений. Подчеркните существительное, которое оно определяет.
1. Within recent years the application of radio techniques in the study of various problems of astronomy has led to remarkable results. A new science, Radio Astronomy, has emerged.
2. Detailed information on different types of particle accelerators – the heavy artillery of the atomic world shooting invisible bullets at invisible targets – is now available.
3. I radio calculations the metric system is used.
4. About 1940 another circular accelerator, the betatron, was developed.
5. The problem to be solved is 0f great importance for our research.
6. We expect the scientific and technological progress to increase the intensification of production.
7. The four giant planets of the solar system are thought to have a ”rock-in-a snowball” structure – a small dense rocky core surrounded by a thick shell of ice and covered by thousand of miles of compressed hydrogen and helium.
8. On October 4, 1957 Russian scientists successfully launched the first Earth Satellite.
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