Задание 1. Дополните предложения словами из таблицы
Assets Bankrupt
Forecast Freeze
Investment Overtime
Reserves Overheads
1 I did a lot of _________last month because I need to save some money for my holiday.
2 The company is in danger of going _________It can’t pay its debts, and sales are falling.
3 Our department has a _________on recruitment. We can’t recruit any new staff until next year.
4 If the situation doesn’t improve soon, we may have to sell some_________– some shares or even some property.
5 This looks like an exciting _________. We could make about 30% profit on our money within two years.
6 Families should plan their finances like companies. They should calculate their_________, like rent or mortgage, energy bills, etc.
7 Families should also produce a _________of the income they expect to receive over the coming months or year.
8 Let’s keep part of this money as _________. We might need extra money for building maintenance next year.
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