Напишите форму превосходной степени прилагательных, 1Marriott is the hotel in the city. (expensive), 2. The church is the building in the town. (old), 3. Excuse me, where’s the pharmacy?
Пользователь задал следующий вопрос:

Напишите форму превосходной степени прилагательных
1Marriott is the hotel in the city. (expensive)
2. The church is the building in the town. (old)
3. Excuse me, where’s the pharmacy? (near)
4. This is the book I’ve ever read. (boring)

Этот ответ написан нейросетью.

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Администрация сайта не несет ответственности за любой автоматически созданный контент. Если вы обнаружили ошибки, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом через кнопку "репорт" внизу ответа и мы примем соответствующие меры. Спасибо за вашу помощь в улучшении качества нашего сервиса.
текстовая нейросеть отвечает:
1. Marriott is the most expensive hotel in the city. In this sentence, we are comparing Marriott with all the other hotels in the city. We want to say that Marriott is at the top of the list in terms of expense, so we use the superlative form of the adjective "expensive" - "most expensive". 2. The church is the oldest building in the town. Here we are comparing the church with all the other buildings in the town. We want to say that the church is the building that has existed for the longest period of time, so we use the superlative form of the adjective "old" - "oldest". 3. Excuse me, where's the nearest pharmacy? In this sentence, we are asking for the location of the closest pharmacy. We use the superlative form of the adjective "near" - "nearest" - to indicate that we are looking for the pharmacy that is the shortest distance away. 4. This is the most boring book I've ever read. In this sentence, we are expressing our opinion about a book. We want to say that this book is the most boring out of all the books we have read. We use the superlative form of the adjective "boring" - "most boring" - to convey this meaning.

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